My Practical life at NZ Wheels Mercedes Benz - Part III

Hello peeps. Ehem ehem. Hari ni saya nak update blog dengan rasa yang malu malu. Eeeyuuww. Haha perlu ke? First sekali saya nak mintak maaf kalau ada readers yang rasa meluat tengok saya dengan Mr Boss I mean, bila I updated dekat twitter ke apa ke. Ok lah. Saya sebenarnya dengan Mr Boss itu macam kawan kawan jee. Hmmm eh betol ke? Boleh percaya ke? Hew hew hew. (Ini adalah gelak alaf baru) Mr Boss ialah seorang lelaki yang rambutnya pacak pacak 2 inci. Dia juga seorang yang sangat concern and very kind person. In addition, he is handsome fullstop. Saya bersama hati nurani saya amat menghargai bila dapat comment dan inbox daripada readers saya yang tak sabar nak tahu kisah Practical saya di NZ Wheels Sdn Bhd. K nampak tak I'm trying to promote my internship place. Pihak Naza kena bayar royalty ni! K kidding.

I'm very appreciated when have some readers like her.
Actually there have another readers too, they tweet and inbox me about my practical life entry and I'm so appreciated too even I'm not publish it here. Thanks a lot my readers :*

Okay here we go, nak cerita pasal semalam sikit. Macam biasa lah bila boss sampai office dia mesti akan masuk his room dulu, so then if have anything he want me to make it so he will called "Diyannaaaa..." and I, "Yes?" and aku kemaskan baju dan lajukan kaki aku. Alah bilik dia cuma 3 langkah kaki aku je. Kalau lambat 10 saat pun mungkin tak ada masalah. Tapi semalam bunyi panggilan dia seperti ada sesuatu yang penting. Belum sempat aku tanya, "Yes, boss?" dia mencelah.

"Diyanna, haritu you kemas my room and you ada usik tak my letter?"

"What letter that you mean?" Aku balas dengan muka hairan.
"Wait aaa" Dia belek handphone untuk memberi jawapan, aku terus nervous sebab aku yang kemas bilik dia lastweek. 
"A letter from SMK Panglima Perang, did you remember that time I whatsapp you to make a copy?"
"F1 Challange tu if not mistaken right?"
"Yes, so where is it my dear?" Serious betul muka dia buat aku jadi takut.

"After copying kan I give you all with the original one then after meeting you go back terus kan and you didnt give me anything then..." Belum sempat dia mencelah aku sambung lagi " I kan promise you before I kemas bilik you I takkan usik your table and yes, I dont know where is it hmm and I dont even take anything yours!"

"Yaa I know you tak usik my table but you ada nampak tak?"

"Tak nampak and serious I give you all so it must be with you... but wait, I try cari at my place okay". Masa tu aku langkah laju terus geledah semua folder atas meja semata mata nak cari that one letter. Aku mungkin seorang pelupa tapi benda penting aku memang tak akan lupa jadi memang aku tak jumpa satu pun letter program dari SMK Panglima Perang iniciated Datin Sri Diraja Dato' Hajah Junaini Bt Kassim tu dan aku masuk bilik dia semula.

"Sheng, the letter was not with me. I'm sure it with you. Must be with you. It okay let me help you" Aku nampak dia serabut sangat nak cari that letter. Aku tenang je sebab aku tahu memang akan ada dengan dia. Slow slow aku belek folder, paper, surat yang ada atas meja dia. And yaaaaaaaa....

"OMG my dear, I told you it must be with you. Come see. This is the letter right?"

"Eh how you boleh jumpa?"
"Its not my firstime cari barang you, you selalu macamni. Lucky you have a Hero like me. Haha you should throw away all of this if you dont need it, banyak sangat barang ni... Ish!"
"Hahaa I know youre good in that, Hero! Haha thanks ya so I need you to prepare memo to request check for this F1 Challange program. You remember you do memo for Ong right?"
"Yes, but in malay or english? See this letter in malay maa"
"I want in english, try your best loo!"

Aku senyum, terus ambil letter tu dan balik ke tempat aku. Lemah juga nak main translate ni. Mungkin kerja akan jadi lebih mudah bila letter tu in english so I can prepare the memorandum ASAP. For sure! Because of Malay, I have to ask Kak Yuyu, Kak Maira and Mag and Kak Liza for a help. Hahaha so funny is it. But yeayh, I've to try my best.

Hampir 2 jam aku siapkan memorandum. Nak taknak aku kena cuba submit before lunch hour. Ntah apa yang susah sangat untuk siapkan 1 Memorandum pun aku tak pasti, walhal before this I already do it by myself.


"Diyannaaaaaaa... Diyannaaaaaa.. Come..." My boss called me sambil ketawa.

"OMG, why you gelak? Okay okay I admit it if I'm wrong but dont gelak lah!" Aku cuba menahan malu.

"Why you use Inter Office Memo? You tahu tak what is Inter Office Memo? I want you to do like this, youre not remember about this memorandum? You yang buat and you lupa? And you cannot put Edmund punya name, just CC him and blablablablablaaaaaaaa....." His membebel. Aku diam jelah. Bisu. Bodoh betul aku rasa masa tu, macam mana aku boleh salah??? OMG Diyanna! Aku khayal sendiri dan tak sedar yang dia tengah membebel.

"Diyanna, are you okay or not?"

"Im Im okay, sure. Em"

"Sometimes aaa youre so funny, super duper funny how can you do this memo like this haiyaaaa" Sambil mengetap bibir dan buat muka seksi. Ya aku rasa tu bukan muka marah.

Ya ALLAH tergugat pulak iman aku waktu tu. Please dont show me that face boss. How could you make me geram with you. Grrrr.. Istighfar Istighfar. Ahh aku melting. Shit.

"So explain me back about what is Inter Office Memo?" 

Ya ALLAH, masa tu aku dah macam, apa yang aku nak jawab ni dahlah aku tak fokus. Aku cuba cari topik lain. Selamba aku jawab, "I faham what you explained before, alaa give me back and I will correct whats wrong. Haihh peninglah asyik salah je..." Aku sengaja treat alasan untuk tukar topic. Tangan aku laju untuk capai memo yang salah tu dari dia.

Spontan dia buat buat nak gigit tangan aku and say "I will bite you if you take this!" Aku pun spontan jawab, "Before you bite me, I will kill you first! Give me the memo!!" Marahnya aku waktu tu, marah sebabnya he dah started annoying. Ishh geram je aku. Kiss kang! Eh?

"Why you pening?"

"Just back from Kelantan... I sampai rumah around 4am. Okay 4am maybe sebabtu I macam blurrrrr blank like this."
"Seriously? Im also cannot sleep last night because I eat a lot so I sleep around 5am like that..."
"What are you doing while cannot sleep?"
"Play games..."
"Yes, on my phone lah"

See? I did it. Topic change. So I dont have to explained back what is Inter Office memo tu hahahaha hati aku terkekeh kekeh gelak sebab dapat selamatkan diri. Sorry Boss. Lepas scene tu aku terus sambung repair memorandum yang salah tu. Aku belek jam. Lagi 10minit nak lunch hour and I'm still not finish yet the memo. Gochhhhh! And suddenly Kak Maira and Abang Aril come to my place sebab nak ajak makan while me still not finished the memo how can I go lunch while my boss still working but when perut dah lapar, how can I do? Sorry again boss, I got to go cause my baby tummy is hungry.


After lunch, Im started to continue my memo back. Believe it or not, three times aku hantar that memo and finally accepted and submit terus ke General Manager. That's mean, 3 times rejected! I know he should marah me cause late sangat siapkan that memo. Sampai he said he lambat for an appointment just because wait for my memo. Ya, before this I have to finish 3 memo and he gave me 15minutes and I did it. But this, 1 memo for 5hours? *slap myself* After he go out terburu buru and I whatsapp to say sorry,

Lucky me, he dont even mad. Thanks rain. Because of you my boss not late for an appointment :')

After a while I realized that sometimes I need to appreciated. Just be happy of what I have. He gave us to reach for a certain level for a reasons. we never knew it was only a test from Him if we're too busy setting the benchmark or competing with others. so stop. analyze.. and appreciate things around us. For instance, being rich is not the solution of all problems. Some people may have fewer money but their life is full of love from the family. Some people may have fewer money but they still manage to lead a successful life. Another example, always being the last in class doesn't mean it is the end of your life. Maybe it is time for you to seek your innerself and let yourself do things that you actually love or maybe, this is the last stage for you to keep on standing before you finally reach your ultimate success. well, good things come to those who waits. doesn't it? So I learn.

The truth is.. we were be happy with what we have, yes finally. The end.

Well actually those above writings was not in the plan huhu. But I just share it to let you know that how good my PRACTICAL LIFE here. Everysecond time in there is very wonderful moment. Precious moment. I met a lot of amazing people here and I do love them so much. Suddenly I just forgot that I've friend in my campus. But yeah, seriously dooo!


Jarod Yong said...

Oh my, your boss is certainly a very patient man.
You must be really cute to get away from fumbles like that. =)

Liyliz said...

oh dear. first time bw here. dah jatuh cite dengan your story.

Aimie Diyanna said...

Jarod Yong;
As long as he treat me good so me too.

@Liyliz ;
Hehehe thanks dear, keep supporting yah

Anonymous said...

kak aimi mcm suka bos je.

Unknown said...

Hi. Nice to read your blog. Jom lawati saya . Tq